Peer-Reviewed Publications
Tachino, T. (2025). Academic publishing 101: Basics of academic writing for publication. Explorations in Teacher Development, 30(2), 4-15.
Tachino, T. (2024). Language instruction to change the world: Possibilities for action-oriented language instruction in your classroom. Learning Learning, 31(1), 9-14.
Tachino, T. (2021). Mobilizing knowledge: Reported speech and citation in public policy deliberations. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 15(3), 288–312.
Tachino, T. (2017). Documenting knowledge mobilization: a quantitative analysis of citation and reported speech in a Canadian public inquiry. Text & Talk, 37(6), 735-757.
Tachino, T. (2016). Multiple intertextual threads and (un)likely uptakes: An analysis of a Canadian public inquiry. In M. J. Reiff & A. Bawarshi (Eds.), Genre and the performance of publics (pp. 178-98). Logan: Utah State University Press.
Tachino, T. (2012). Theorizing uptake and knowledge mobilization: A case for intermediary genre. Written Communication, 29(4), 455-476. doi:10.1177/0741088312457908
Tachino, T., & Russell, D. R. (2012, January). Analyzing GM Food Risk Arguments through an Online, Multi-media Case Study. In Between Scientists & Citizens: Proceedings of a Conference at Iowa State University, June 1-2, 2012 (pp. 379-392): Great Plains Society for the Study of Argumentation, Ames, IA.
Russell, D. R., & Tachino, T. (2012). Reasoning from Scientific Information: How Do University Students Construct Policy Arguments in a Multimedia Online Case?. Intercompreensão: Revista de Didáctica das Línguas, 16, 23-65.
Tachino, T. (2010). Genre, ideology, and knowledge in academic research and public policy. Linguagem em (Dis)curso, 10, 595-618.
Tachino, T. (2008). Academic research and public policy: Rhetorical lessons from the Sophonow Inquiry [Doctoral dissertation] Iowa State University.
Other Publications
Tachino, T. (2024). The CUE’s 30th year anniversary conference in Toyama. OnCUE Journal, 16(1), 111-115.
Tachino, T. (2024). Summary of the ESP Symposium. CUE Circular, 14, 3.
Cochran, M. [photographer], & Tachino, T. [essayist] (2024). In search of Japan: First sights and old memories or Maria’s way and Tosh’s time regained [Photographic essay]. Blurb.
Okeyo, W., Nyaga, J. G., Tachino, T, Awuor, E., Kimani, C., Nyaga, A. W., Mabonga, G. N, Miller, R., Ritchie, Z., & Wanjohi, J. K. (2024). The last train from Narita, a dive into the future. Smart Source.
Tachino, T. (May, 2024). Reflections after PanSIG: Thank you from CUE SIG for embracing technology while nurturing human connection. CUE SIG Newsletter.
Tachino, T. (2011). Book Review: “Academic Writing in a Global Context.” [Review of the book Academic writing in a global context by Theresa Lillis and Mary Jane Curry]. Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 25(4), 492-495.
Tachino, T. (2009). Book Review: “Rhetorical Genre Studies and Beyond.” [Review of the book Rhetorical genre studies and beyond, by N. Artemeva & A. Freedman]. Inkshed, 25(2), 14-19.
Tachino, T. (2008, December 15). Research takes time to make an impact. The Winnipeg Free Press, A7.
Tachino, T. (2005). Book Review: Conversations about Writing: Eavesdropping, inkshedding, and joining in. [Review of the book Conversations about writing: Eavesdropping, inkshedding, and joining in by M. E. Sargent & C. C. Paraskevas]. Inkshed, 22(2), 10-13.
Tachino, T. (2005). Book Review: “The Rhetoric of Risk: Technical documentation in hazardous environments.” [Review of the book The rhetoric of risk: technical documentation in hazardous environment by B. Sauer]. Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 19(2), 219-222.
Tachino, T. (2003). An academic strikes back: Transgressing the genre of bureaucracy. Inkshed 20(3), 1-6.
Tosh Tachino – Publications