Professional Organizations
- Canadian Association for the Study of Discourse and Writing/Association Canadienne de Rédactologie (CASDW/ACR)
- Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT)
- Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET)
- National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)
- CASDW-ACR Listserv
- JACET Job Openings
- JALT Job Listings
- MLA Job List
- WritingStudies-L Discussion List
- Teaching Resources for Writing Instructors (CCCC)
- SLA Speech Tools (for teaching and research)
- Online Writing Lab (OWL) (Purdue University)
- 4 the Words (A gamification tool for writing productivity. I personally found it distracting and a bit juvenile, but I can see the potential for some students who find it difficult to produce any words.)
- ELLLO (English Listening Lesson Library Online)
- ELSA Speak (AI-powered pronunciation resources with a fair amount of trial content.)
- English Central (A wide selection of learning materials using videos and AI feedback with a fair amount of trial content)
- Academic Phrasebank (The University of Manchester)
- Native Listening: “L”/”R” training for Japanese learners of English (The page is in Japanese)
- The New Academic Word List (NAWL) (by Charles Browne, Brent Culligan and Joseph Phillips)
- SpeechAce (A fairly wide selection of trial materials for practicing pronunciation)
- TED-Ed (A collection of videos for listening practice with great content)
- Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab (A great resource for a quick daily listening exercise)
- Maria Cochran Photography: Portfolio of my collaborator for the Japan photography essay project.
- Photo Studio Tantan: They took my professional photos for this site (See my review on Google Maps)
- Daniel Tosh (of “Tosh Show”): comedian
- Peter Tosh: musician